man massaging woman's body

Cuidado y mejora de tu salud

Disfruta de nuestros masajes estéticos y terapéuticos asi como de las actividades corporales conscientes que ofrecemos en Masajesport.

Masajes Estéticos

Incrementa la oxigenación, elasticidad y aspecto de la piel. Reduce la flacidez y grasa localizada. Tonifica la musculatura y articulaciones. Mejora la circulación sanguínea y linfática. Disminuye la inflamación y retención de líquidos.

Disminuye edemas y dolor muscular.
Estimula la nutrición de los tejidos.
Libera adherencias y mejora el metabolismo muscular. Promueve la recuperación muscular, articular y el movimiento del cuerpo.

Fortalece la condición física y cognitiva. Aumenta el equilibrio, fuerza y movilidad del cuerpo. Recupera la actividad y vitalidad de la persona.Mejora el estado de ánimo y entrena la memoria.

Masajes terapéuticos
Actividad Corporal-Cognitiva

Reserva tu sesión hoy mismo y recupérate con MasajeSport

Bienvenido a Masajesport, nuestro enfoque

Las tensiones físicas están en muchas ocasiones relacionadas con aspectos emocionales y energéticos. A través de un enfoque psicocorporal y centrado en la persona los masajes y las actividades corporales de Masajesport van más allá de la relajación muscular. Integrando cuerpo, mente y emociones a partir de diferentes técnicas, maniobras, presiones, frotaciones, movilizaciones, etc
En Masajesport, te ofrecemos mejorar tu condición física, emocional y energética.

Tu bienestar es nuestra prioridad.

A person is lying face down on a comfortable surface, receiving a massage from another individual's hands. The setting appears calm and serene, with soft lighting enhancing the relaxed atmosphere. The person receiving the massage has closed eyes, indicating a state of relaxation.
A person is lying face down on a comfortable surface, receiving a massage from another individual's hands. The setting appears calm and serene, with soft lighting enhancing the relaxed atmosphere. The person receiving the massage has closed eyes, indicating a state of relaxation.



Clientes satisfechos

Salud y bienestar

Nuestros Servicios

Ofrecemos masajes estéticos y terapéuticos así como actividades físicas y cognitivas individualizadas para mejorar tu salud y bienestar integral.

A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
Actividad corporal para adultos

Disfruta de una experiencia única que alivia el dolor y promueve una vida activa y saludable.

Masajes estéticos y terapéuticos

Revitaliza tu piel, libera tensiones y siéntete en equilibrio, mejorando tu bienestar y vitalidad con un cuerpo tonificado y una mente en calma.


A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.

Descubre nuestros servicios para tu bienestar y relajación.

"Los masajes de Masajesport mejoraron mi salud y bienestar. ¡Altamente recomendable para todos!"

Carlos M.

A well-organized room features a massage table covered with a white sheet and a folded towel at one end, situated on a decorative rug with intricate patterns. The wooden floor adds warmth to the ambiance. Against the far wall stands an ornately carved wooden cabinet displaying various items. There are two tall windows covered with bamboo shades allowing soft natural light to filter through. Several framed artworks hang on the adjacent wall. A small black stool is placed near the massage table.
A well-organized room features a massage table covered with a white sheet and a folded towel at one end, situated on a decorative rug with intricate patterns. The wooden floor adds warmth to the ambiance. Against the far wall stands an ornately carved wooden cabinet displaying various items. There are two tall windows covered with bamboo shades allowing soft natural light to filter through. Several framed artworks hang on the adjacent wall. A small black stool is placed near the massage table.
A person is lying on a spa bed with their eyes closed, receiving a neck massage. The individual is covered with a dark gray towel, and their hands are placed gently on their chest. The room is softly lit, and spa supplies are visible in the background.
A person is lying on a spa bed with their eyes closed, receiving a neck massage. The individual is covered with a dark gray towel, and their hands are placed gently on their chest. The room is softly lit, and spa supplies are visible in the background.
